02 August, 2009

my new distraction

Way back in September of last year I was working on crocheting this ripple blanket for Ella...

I am using Zhivago and love how soft and warm it is.
However the blanket has become very very heavy and skinner at one end.
So the understanding husband and I ripped it.

And I have decided to totally copy Alicia's (Posie Gets Cozy) c
loister blanket, which I just love and can't seem to get out of my head!

Now I know that coping others peoples work is really really bad.
But I figure that my coloures are different, it won't be as big, it is to keep my five year old warm at night, and it's not for sale so there is no profit to be made other than a kiss and hug from Button.
So I'm sure
Alicia won't mind.


CelticCastOn said...

so cute, I bet Ella's champing at the bit to get it.

Sue said...

The blanket looks beautiful. Pity you had to rip out the first one though.

Mary Anne said...

Your blanket is beautiful! I love the colour combinations.